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When Blockchain Technology and Science Collide – Building the Future of Blockchain-Enabled Science

Blockchain technology is disrupting everything from banking to identity management and cybersecurity. One area seeing increasing advancement is the intersection of blockchain technology and science. There is an ever-increasing number of intelligent entrepreneurs building startup companies within the blockchain meets science sector. If you want a sneak peek at how blockchain technology is advancing the future of scientific research, explore the following five up-and-coming blockchain science startups.


Scidex is developing a blockchain-enabled marketplace for the exchange of science-specific data. Using smart contracts, SciDex users will be able to trade science data-sets and further grow the future of science. Imagine global scientists being able to participate in the open exchange of science research, with each transaction verified via blockchain technology. If you’re intrigued by the combination of scientific data research and blockchain technology, SciDex is definitely worth investigating.


DEIP is also building a blockchain-enabled platform for the exchange of scientific data. Researchers and scientists will be able to publish their findings via DEIP and have their work peer-reviewed with complete transparency via blockchain-enabled interactions. Scientific research can be financially backed via DEIP and investors can discover innovative scientists and researchers to collaborate with to further advance the future of science.


Scienceroot is building a platform combining blockchain technology, social media, and scientific research. Scienceroot users will be able to publish their research, collaborate with other scientists and investors, discuss their scientific advances, and connect with others interested in their research. By building an ecosystem that combines blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and scientific research publishing, Scienceroot hopes to incentivize the future of science.


DNA ID is combining genomics research with blockchain technology. Currently accepting beta access users, DNA ID offers DNA sequencing via saliva testing with your test results being shared with medical researchers via blockchain technology. Not only are you able to learn about your genetic background, you are able to help further advance medical research by sharing your DNA data with scientific researchers. Users sharing their data will be able to earn cryptocurrency tokens for their contributions, thereby making genetic data sharing a win-win proposition for both parties.

CO – Machine Learning Society

CO – Machine Learning Society is building a community of scientists, artificial intelligence specialists, and business developers. They hope to connect these experts in a global community where information can be freely exchanged and business development opportunities explored. Companies and universities can share their scientific research, collaborate on projects, and uncover research being offered by other experts in their fields of study. Combining everything from blockchain technology research to bio-informatics and artificial intelligence, this global network of experts hopes to further advance a wide variety of scientific efforts.

These five companies are but a small sampling of the innovation happening at the intersection of blockchain technology and science. Exploring opportunities within the blockchain + science sector is not only an awesome opportunity for investors, it could very well advance the future of scientific study.

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