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Compliance & Frameworks

Satisfy the Demands Set by Regulators and Achieve Cybersecurity Consistency

Managed Security that's Compliant by Default

Our managed cybersecurity and SOC services are audited for compliance against leading data protection frameworks and standards, including CIS, CMMC, and NIST. Enjoy the assurance of expertly-managed cybersecurity services that offer compliance as standard.

We Work with America's Most Heavily Regulated Sectors

Our existing and previous clients operate within some of America’s most highly regulated sectors, including healthcare, finance, oil and gas, DoD Contractors and Public Company’s. This gives us a natural aptitude for developing security strategies that comply with the requirements of prominent legislations and frameworks, including HIPAA, PCI DSS, SEC, FISMA, CMMC, SOC 2, and NIST, among many others.

End-to-End Compliance Solutions

Data protection involves more than simply mitigating external cyber risks. You’ve also got to apply controls that prevent data being unlawfully disclosed, altered, stored or misused, and take steps to maximize the availability of data to ensure data subjects are able to exercise control over their personal information at all times. 

As a full-service managed security service provider (MSSP), CP Cyber security is uniquely placed to advise-on, implement and manage all the controls you need to govern data effectively. 

Demonstrate Your Cybersecurity Credentials with Frameworks and Standards

CP Cyber security can help you adhere to the requirements and recommendations of leading cybersecurity frameworks, including those offering certification. From CMMC and NIST, to SOC 2 and FISMA, our team can audit your environment against the requirements of key frameworks, and help you identify gaps and weaknesses in your controls and help you build a robust risk management and sustainable compliance program. We can also orchestrate your journey towards certification where this available, giving your company a recognised accreditation that communicates your commitment to cybersecurity best practice.

Class-leading Compliance Solutions and Strategy

Conquer Compliance with Confidence

Achieve Regulatory Alignment and Safeguard Your Business's Success

The Benefits of Compliance Support and Strategy from CP Cyber Security

Identify Gaps in Your Compliance Framework

Our Compliance Gap Analysis service looks for areas of divergence between your company's data protection controls and the regulations and standards that apply to it.

You'll be provided with a report detailing the greatest risks facing your data, as well as any obstacles preventing you from achieving compliance. This will also include a list of improvement actions outlining steps, policies and solutions that could be introduced to combat the gaps identified.

Compliance is an intrinsic component of cybersecurity, and cybersecurity is an intrinsic component of compliance.

As a dedicated cybersecurity service provider, we operate at the intersection between regulations and digital technology. We understand how digital systems can be manipulated and tailored to address a wide range of compliance challenges, and as such, we're able to provide end-to-end compliance solutions: from initial scoping and analysis through to solution delivery and ongoing management. Look no further than CP Cyber for all your compliance needs.

Regulatory alignment and achieving certification against leading standards can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and advancing into exciting new markets

From regulations like FISMA and the CMMC which open doors to federal contracts, to certifiable standards like ISO 27001 that carry weight globally, we can help you leverage compliance to harness new revenue streams and grow your business.

Data protection regulations often carry regulator-imposed fines for non-compliance, and that's before you've even considered the prospect of civil litigation.

In the event of a serious security incident, non-compliance could have a devastating financial impact on your business. By choosing CP Cyber as your compliance partner you can tackle you compliance challenges with confidence. Enjoy comprehensive protections that safeguard the privacy, integrity and availability of the personally identifiable information (PII) and other sensitive information types that your company handles.

Harnessing Technology as a Framework for Compliance

Our 4-Part Apprach to Building a Watertight Compliance Framework

Initial Scoping

We start with an initial investigation into the processes, handling practices and storage locations that your data is subject to. We differentiate the data that falls within scope of your compliance obligations from that which doesn't, and we discuss the compliance regimes and standards that may apply to your company in the future. At this stage we'll also seek an understanding of any factors, both internal and external, that restrict or influence the way you handle and process data.

Initial Scoping
Social Engineering Penetration Testing

Compliance Gap Analysis

Our Compliance Gap Analysis takes the exploratory elements of our cyber risk assessment process and adapts them to consider the stipulations imposed by the compliance regulations that apply to your business. This process examines both technical data protection controls, as well as risk mitigations applied through policies, procedures and practice.

Compliance Action Plan

Our compliance action plan gives you a detailed list of recommendations for closing the compliance gaps identified in the gap analysis, as well as broader guidance on addressing vulnerabilities and prominent risks in your digital environment. Implementation of the action plan may be undertaken in stages, and involve changes to policy, process changes, staff training, reconfiguring technology, technology enhancements and other corrective actions as required. We can spearhead this process, ensuring minimal operational impact and allowing you to focus on running your business.

Signing documents Compliance and Frameworks
Network Penetration Testing CP Cyber

Continuous Assessment and Support

We can continuously monitor your environment to ensure continued alignment between data controls and threat mitigations, and your compliance obligations. This monitoring is responsive to regulatory changes, and pays close attention to evolving risk factors that influence the overall risk level faced by your IT and the data it houses. We can also schedule regular compliance reassessments to recalibrate your compliance tools with your obligations on an ongoing basis.

Start Your Compliance Journey Today And Secure Your Business.

We'll be glad to assist you with gaining oversight, control and simplicity in your compliance efforts, giving peace of mind for you and your business.